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Corporate Social Responsibilities: CSR

Labor Equitable Treatment

The Company is aware of the importance of human resource development and labor equitable treatment, which are influencing the business value addition, the competitiveness promotion, and the Company’s sustainable growth in the future by setting a policy and practical guidelines as follows;

  1. Respecting employee’s rights under the human rights principles and compliance with the labor laws.

  2. Adopting a fair hiring process with fair employment conditions, including equitable compensation structure and job assessment under the fair performance evaluation process.

  3. Promoting the human resource development by holding trainings, seminars, workshops, as well as arranging our staffs to attend relevant academic seminar and workshops for knowledge and personnel competency enhancement, and for indoctrinating positive attitude, morals, ethics, and staff teamwork.

  4. Offering employee’s welfares as required by the laws e.g. social security, and additional benefits including health insurance, personal accident insurance etc., as well as funding various monetary aid.

  5. Providing annual health checkup program for every class of the Company’s employee by considering each personal risk factors in ages, gender, and working environment.

  6. Administering for a safe working conditions and clean workplace sanitation by implementing an accident prevention measure and raising the employee’s safety awareness along with organizing workshops, promoting employee sanitation, and continually controlling workplace safety and hygienic conditions.

  7. Offering our staffs the opportunities to express their opinion, or submit complaints concerning unfair internal practices or misconducts, as well as providing protection to those claimants of such matters.