TPBI Public Company Limited is a leading packaging company who has sustainable growth together with all stakeholders.

Message from the President
The world is faced with many challenges arising from caring for the environment and the epidemic (COVID-19) that has both economic and social impacts around the world. Therefore, the Board of Directors jointly reviewed the Company's vision, mission, and strategy for the past fiscal year and monitor the implementation of the said strategy continuously. By participating in the setting of policies and operational guidelines including sustainability policy and follow up on the performance regularly.
In 2020, the results of TPBI's business transformation over the past few years have become more clear both warehouse expansion and production line improvements at the Rayong plant, T.A.K expansion of production capacity, improvement of TPBIMS plant in Myanmar, and the expansion of production capacity of a paper bag factory in England, there is an important part from the improved internal control system of TPBI and its affiliated company which is better. As a result, the overall picture of the company has started to recover and the overall performance has improved since the end of last year.
Wontogether under TPBI is a project established to recycle used clean plastic that has been used by consumers and reuse those plastics. It is a project that meets the needs of environmental conservation and sustainable operation. It has been growing exponentially and has been receiving great feedback. Both receiving plastic from the mail and from various pickup points of the project, there are currently 376 locations in Bangkok and other provinces. It also received great cooperation from the public and private sectors, which TPBI expects through such cooperation that will result in the project to continue to expand sustainably to care for the environment as a manufacturer like TPBI as well.
Besides enhancing the potential of various plastic products, TPBI also plans to start manufacturing paper packaging in Thailand. To aim to become a complete packaging manufacturer of plastic packaging and paper packaging that can meet the needs of consumers completely and quickly. And also to promote production Packaging that is consistent with today's consumer behavior, which emphasizes the use of environmentally friendly packaging as well.
From the business trend towards the end of 2020, it is evident that the full cooperation from the whole board Management and staff Partners, and customers, etc., have made TPBI's business go through the crisis and move forward in a stable and sustainable manner. To support industry trends and changing situations Able to lead the organization to grow and create good returns for shareholders and stakeholders in the future steadily.
Board of Director

Mr. Thanwa Laohasiriwong
Independent Director / Chairman of the Audit Committee / Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Mr. Krit Phanratanamala
Independent Director / Audit Committee / Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee / Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee

Mr. Natdanai Manothai
Independent Director/Audit Committee/ Nomination and Remuneration Committee/ Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee

Mr. Somsak Borrisuttanakul
Director / Chairman of Risk Committee/Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee / Chairman of Executive Committee

Ms. Chamaiporn Uerpairojkit
Chief Executive Officer /
Executive Committee /
Director / Risk Committee

Mr. Kamol Borrisuttanakul
Director / Executive Committee / Risk Committee / Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Saksit Borrisuttanakul
Director / Executive Committee / Risk Committee / Chief Marketing Officer

Mr. Sittichai Borrisuttanakul
Director / Executive Committee / Risk Committee / Chief Operating Officer (Consumables)

Mr. Domdej Sripinproach
Director/Executive Committee/Risk Management/
Chief Operating Officer (Flexibles)
Company Secretary
Education / Training Profile :
- Bachelor of Faculty of Law, Thammasat University
- Fundamental Practice for Corporate Secretary (FPCS 30/2014), Thailand Securities Institute
- Company Secretary Program (CSP 63/2015), Thai Institute of Directors Association
- How to Develop a Risk Management Plan (HRP 10/2016), Thai Institute of Directors Association
- Advances for Corporate Secretaries (1/2017), Thailand Securities Institute
- S01-S03 : Corporate Sustainability Strategy) (3/2020), The Stock Exchange of Thailand
- S04 : Sustainability Risk and Materiality Analysis) (2/2020), The Stock Exchange of Thailand
- S05 : Sustainability Evaluation & Data Management) (2/2020), The Stock Exchange of Thailand
- EC01 : Sustainable Supply Chain Management (1/2020), The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Work Experience (past 5 years)
- 2557 – Present : Company Secretary / Quality Management Representative, TPBI Public Co., Ltd.