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4th TPBI Loves Environment Activity

Silpakorn 2

On June 28, 2024, TPBI Public Company Limited organized the activity "Gathering of TPBI people to care about the environment" which was held for the 4th time under the concept of "Yod Tum, Pae Hoi" by participating employees have learnt and gained access to the lifestyle of local villagers in Rayong Province and learned how to raise oysters. It also supports careers and increases opportunities for oyster breeding

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     รวมพล คน TPBI 28.6 62รวมพล คน TPBI 28.6 112

In addition, TPBI provided garbage bags to the group. “Raksamae Bridge” to be used for collecting garbage in the mangrove forest area in the community area and used for storing various equipment for activities to benefit the community

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After that, all employees helped make equipment that fishermen made to imitate nature into a habitat for fish and other aquatic animals using materials that are easily found in the local area to preserve the natural ecosystem.

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TPBI has organized activities to preserve the environment in the community. The objective is to provide knowledge and raise awareness about environmental protection among employees and the local community. It also helps build good relationships between employees and promote a corporate culture that cares about the environment and sustainability, as in the organization's slogan "Think Circular, Think Sustainable"

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